Can You Guess Which Vegetable Is This?

Helper4U H4U
2 min readOct 24, 2023

Last month while getting veggies from the green grocer, I came across a new kind of leafy vegetable. The vendor was a young boy who did not know what they were called or how they should be cooked. My adventurous spirit nudged me on and depending upon the power of the internet and WhatsApp I bought the leaves.

Boy! Was I in for a big surprise: I could not find anything looking like what I had bought under the search around Leafy vegetables / leafy vegetables in Mumbai.I Posted a high-resolution image on WhatsApp, but alas none of my contacts passionate about cooking had ever seen it. Felt so let down by everyone…

Next day, I asked my domestic help, who is also a cook for many homeowners, what I could do with them. But, she also had never seen them. Was it a case of some new hybrid vegetable or what?

Just as I was about to give up, I got the name, as well as a recipe from a globetrotting friend, who is not really into cooking. Turned out to be a great locally grown health food, at a very cheap price

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